Be A Scout Frequently Asked Questions.
Q: What is the purpose of the new BeAScout communications and recruitment system?
The objective is to quickly connect an interested family with an opportunity to
join Scouting.
Q: What role does the pack, troop, and crew adult leadership play in making this
system a true joining opportunity for families?
The unit leadership (i.e., Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, crew Advisor, committee
chair, chartered organization representative) uses the BeAScout website which
they access through MyScouting to decide what information about the unit is
displayed on each unit pin on a map of the area (e.g., unit description, unit
website, key person to contact, phone number, meeting place and time, unit
logo) and which unit leader(s) will receive and respond to inquiries from parents.
Q: What role does the council staff play in making this system a true joining opportunity for families?
District executives train volunteers, monitor the effectiveness of the
communications taking place, and manage responses to parents when inquiries
are sent directly to the council office.
Q: What information is an interested parent required to provide?
Required: Youth’s name, age, and grade, as well as the parent’s name and
address, phone number, and email address. Parents can also ask a question
and/or provide a brief message, e.g., “My son was a Scout and will be attending
the local public high school in January.”
Parents decide which unit shown on the map will receive their emailed inquiry.
Q: What happens after the parent transmits the information?
The parent receives a message almost immediately indicating that the inquiry
has been successfully sent and that he/she will hear from someone involved in
Scouting very soon.
If a pack, troop, or crew has provided with a contact person and
a related email address, the parent’s inquiry is sent to the unit’s contact person.
The parent then receives a call or email message from a unit representative and
the youth is invited to join in local activities.
If a pack, troop, or crew has not populated the unit pin in with unit
contact(s), the parent’s inquiry is transmitted to the council, and the district
executives determine how best to respond to each parent and how to offer a
personal invitation to join in Scouting activities.
Q: Are there any time deadlines or other requirements for responding to the parent’s
Parents should get a call or email reply quickly, i.e., within 72 hours.
Q: Does the BeAScout system need unit leaders’ email addresses?
Yes, email addresses of the primary and alternate contacts.
Q: Why are chartered organization representative and committee chairman email
addresses needed?
Their email addresses are needed for the application approval process.
Q: Do new units automatically have a unit pin on the map?
No. Unit pins must be made active.
Q: Can I have my unit pin active without taking applications?
Yes. Pin status can be active and apply status can be inactive at the same time.
Q: Can I have my apply status active and not my pin status?
No. Pin status must be active.
Q: What is unit pin management?
Unit pin management is the function used for setting up a pin with information
that will appear on the map.
Q: What is Unit Lead Management?
Unit Lead Management is the function used for communicating with leads
(prospects) who are requesting more information about Scouting.
Q: What is Application Management?
Application Management is the function used for reviewing and approving and
approved applications.
Q: How does a volunteer access BeAScout?
BeAScout access for volunteers is done through their MyScouting account based
on position.
Q: How does a youth serving executive access BeAScout?
They will log in to their MyBSA account.
Q: I logged into my MyScouting account but do not see a BeAScout link.
Initial unit pin setup can be done by a unit leader, chartered organization
representative, or committee chairman. They can give access to three
additional registered volunteers in the unit.
Q: Who can approve adult application(s)?
Adult applications are approved by the chartered organization representative
and committee chairman.
Q: Who can accept youth application(s)?
Youth applications can be accepted by the unit leader, chartered organization
representative, and committee chairman.
Q: Can a prospect (lead) ask for information without applying?
Yes. They would click on the unit pin tab “Request more information.”
Q: Can a prospect register for Scouting online?
No. Currently, the prospect can only submit an application the lead will still need
to meet with unit leadership to submit payment, similar to the paper application
Q: Does the prospect (Lead) need to print out an application to submit payment?
No. The prospect will turn the registration fee in to the unit, similar to the paper
application process.
Q: Is there training on how to set up the unit pin?
Yes, Unit pin setup training is available online at this is the membership
Impact website under youth recruitment.
Q: Is there training on how to manage leads?
Yes, manage lead training is available online at
under “Youth Recruitment. This is the membership impact website
Q: How do I check to see if unit pins are populated?
Executive will go to their MyBSA account under BeAScout review under pin