Campership Policy
Campership forms are due by May 1st
Since its inception, Scouting has taught a Scout pays his own way. This can be assisted by a unit using the camp savings plan for its youth members and participating in a unit fund-raising effort (i.e. popcorn sale).
The campership program has limited resources and is designed to assist our youth members who could not get a camping experience any other way. Units whose leadership does not support this philosophy will become ineligible for camperships, because “paying one’s own way” is a valuable characteristic, and that this value will ultimately better serve Scouts in the future. Normal limits for camperships will be up to one half the fee for each program. It is our belief that each applicant should pay some portion of their fee and the unit and chartered partners should also pay a portion of the fee. Although, We believe that NO youth member should miss camp because of money!
Camperships are available to Rip Van Winkle Council Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Ventures attending our Camp Tri-Mount.