2022 Camp in a Box
Welcome to Rip Van Winkle Council's 2022 Camp-in-a-Box
2022 Camp-in-a-Box registration includes:
- Registration for up to 4 Merit Badges
- Opening and Closing Flag Ceremonies
- And much much more
How Camp-in-a-Box Works
- 5 to 7 days before the Camp-in-a-Box week, your scout will receive an invite to a Google Classrom for each merit badge course they are registered in. You scout will then need to click on the links in order to accept entry into each of those courses/classes. It is in those Google Classroom's that they will interact with their course's Merit Badge Counselor, as well as the other scouts in that class. Unless you are ok with your scout logging in and using your e-mail address, it is imperitive that you include your scout's email address in their profile when registering in Tentaroo. It is also important that your scout's name be labled on their e-mail accounts. If their name is not labled on their e-mail accounts, the counselor will not know who to give credit to, for each completed requirement.
- On Sunday night I will be available on-line for 2 hours via Google Meet for any last minute technical questions that you might have.
- All submissions by scouts will have to be in by midnight on Thursday July 14, so that on Friday morning, I can begin entering in all completed requirements into our Tentaroo system. Once everything is entered, I will e-mail you notification, along with directions so you can print out your scout's "Blue Cards".
Below you will find:
- LInks for registration: 2022's Camp-in-a-Box is $95/scout. Thats the same price for in-council and out-of-council scouts! If you joined us last year, you can use your pre-existing login once you hit the registration link, just remember to udate your scout's e-mail address and information. For those who are new to Camp-in-a-Box, click on the registration link below, and create a new account on the top of the page that the link leads to. We will need to know your scout's e-mail address, as the courses will be run through our Google Classroom account.
- Our 2022 schedule
- A list of requirements that cannot be completed online. These requirements will have to be completed beforehand and/or afterwards. Please keep in mind, many pre-requisites require approval from a certified Merit Badge Counselor.