Cub Scout Den Leaders
Welcome to your new adventure!
Your time volunteering in Cub Scouting will be rewarding and fun, and the information here will help you get off to the right start. With the proper training, resources, and enthusiasm, you have the ability to make a positive difference in the lives of Cub Scouts.
A den is a small group of youth — an ideal size is eight, but you may have more or less. The ideal den is formed with Cub Scouts of the same school grade. In Lion (kindergarten) and Tiger (first grade) dens, each Cub Scout is required to have a parent or other caring adult with them at all meetings and activities. As a Lion or Tiger den leader, you will not be the only adult; there will always be an adult with each Cub Scout.
Having adult partners present at all meetings and activities is a requirement because, at this age, children are still developing control over their emotions and often need a caring adult to guide them, especially during new experiences.
As a den leader, you simply use the free online tools Scoutbook and Internet Advancement and the Cub Scout handbook to provide the Cub Scout program. Scoutbook Plus provides step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for and conduct den meetings and activities centered around different adventures.
Trainings can be completed online or contact the Council Service Center for live classes being offered.
1. Register your position with the pack. Fill out the Scouting America adult application and attach your Youth Protection completion certificate. (See no. 2.) This form will register you with the BSA and give the BSA permission to initiate a background check for approving you as a leader. You cannot work with the youth until you have received your background clearance approval email. If you are already a registered leader in the pack, you still need to complete this step so your position can be approved by the pack committee and chartered organization representative.
2. Complete Youth Protection training and print the certificate of completion. Youth Protection training, found online at, will teach you the BSA’s policies for safely and appropriately interacting with youth. If you are already registered and have completed Youth Protection training within the past year, you do not need to take the training again.
3. Complete the “Before Your First Meeting” online training modules for CS19 Den Leader training. The online training, found at, will begin building the foundation you need to become an effective and successful leader.
4. After your den leader application has been approved, log in to as Den Leader. Use the same username and password as the account that you set up for training. Logging in to as Den Leader will give you access to all the required meeting plans for delivering the Cub Scouting program, and this access will always be right at your fingertips.
5. Become acquainted with your Cubmaster and the pack committee. These volunteer leaders will see that you have the information and materials you need to prepare for and conduct den meetings and activities.
6. Wear the Cub Scout leader uniform. The uniform is a method of the Scouting program. Wearing the uniform properly is important in setting a good example. You can purchase a uniform through a local Scout shop or through
7. Prepare for your first meeting. Using Scoutbook and logging in as Den Leader, review the resources for your first den meeting. Scouts usually start with the Bobcat requirement.
1. Complete all of the online training modules for CS19 Den Leader training. Once you have done this at, you are considered trained and eligible to wear the Trained patch, worn below the Den Leader position patch.
2. Get acquainted with the families in your den. Hold a family orientation meeting outlining the structure of den meetings and den outings, the time and location for meetings, and your den’s role during the monthly pack meetings. Using the shared leadership model, where you work with a different family each month, will help you do this.
3. Get acquainted with the children in your den. Establish a den code of conduct so that everyone will know what you expect of them. See the den leader guide for details.
4. Attend the monthly pack committee meetings held by your pack committee chair. These meetings are led by
the pack committee chair and are where pack plans are made.
5. Attend the monthly pack meeting with the members of your den and their families. In this meeting, Cub Scouts
are recognized for the adventures they have completed since the last pack meeting. They may be asked to
participate by performing flag ceremonies, displaying projects completed with your den, or acting out skits or run-ons.
6. Attend the monthly district Cub Scout leaders’ roundtable. You will receive program ideas and become acquainted with den leaders from other packs who will share ideas and experiences with you. Your Cubmaster or pack committee chair can tell you when and where the roundtables meet.
Use the Den Leader Resource link below for videos, checklists, helpful hints and more.
Den Leader Resources
Adventure Resources for Leaders (Use this link in lieu of leader books)
There are also scan codes in the youth books for each adventure.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
There are many people who want to help you provide the finest possible Cub Scout experience for the families in your den. As a registered Cub Scout leader, you will also receive Scouting magazine, which includes information to assist you as a leader. Also refer to By the time you have completed the steps outlined here, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful den leader.
Guide to Safe Scouting Updates
New Internet Advancement Scoutbook Plus
Who can use Internet Advancement and what can they do?
Recording Advancements
Approving Advancements
Recording Activities in Scoutbook Plus and Scoutbook
I’m a Unit Leader, How do I create a future internet advancement activity so my unit members can join?
I’m a new Leader, How do I View all Activities for a Single Youth in Internet Advancement?
I’m a Unit Leader, How do I update an existing activity in Internet Advancement?
Using Scoutbook Plus Calendar
File Name | Description | |
AOL Required and Elective Adventures 2024 | Download | |
Bear Leader Guide | A Complete Leader Handbook for Bear Scouts in Third Grade. | Download |
Bear Required and Elective Adventures 2024 | Download | |
Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Leader Training | Every Scout deserves a trained leader! This guide describes the required trainings for each Registered Scouter position. These and other training courses can be found in your account under my training. Rip Van Winkle Council also offers live training sessions! Please see our Facebook and calendar for training sessions and contact our office to register or for more information. | Download |
Cub Scout Required and Elective Adventures 2024 Overview | Download | |
Guide to Safe Scouting February 2022 | The safety of our Scouts is the most important part of our journey. Please review the most recent updates to the Guide to Safe Scouting for current safety practices and for information on what activities are acceptable at what age level in Souting. | Download |
Lion Leader Guide 2018 | A Complete Leader Handbook for Lion Scouts in Age 5 years old and/or in Kindergarten. | Download |
Lion Required and Elective Adventures 2024 | Download | |
Tiger Leader Guide | A Complete Leader Handbook for Tiger Scouts in First Grade. | Download |
Tiger Required and Elective Adventures 2024 | Download | |
Webelos Leader Guide | A Complete Leader Handbook for Webelos Scouts in Fourth and Fifth Grades. | Download |
Webelos Required and Elective Adventures 2024 | Download | |
Wolf Leader Guide | A Complete Leader Handbook for Wolf Scouts in Second Grade. | Download |
Wolf Required and Elective Adventures 2024 | Download |