Varsity Leader Resources

Welcome to Varsity Scouting, a program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men ages 14 through 18. Packed with opportunities for adventure, leadership, personalgrowth, and service, the Varsity Scout program holds specialappeal for older Scouts. It is also flexible enough to allow chartered organizations to design the program to effectively mesh Scouting’s principles and values with the objectives of thechartered organizations.

Varsity Scouts are distinguished on their uniform from Boy Scouts by wearing the blaze (orange) epaulettes and the Varsity strip above the Boy Scouts of America strip.

The Values of Varsity Scouting

Varsity Scouting is a values-based organization. Its ideals, found in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Scout motto, and the Scout slogan, are the same asthose every Boy Scout troop observes. With prior experience as Boy Scouts, most young men becoming Varsity Scouts already firmly understand and believein these ideals. Along with youth who are new to the BSA, they will find that the values of Varsity Scouting serve as valuable guidelines for their Varsity Scout team, and for life.

It was developed as a way to keep older boys challenged physically and mentally. Varsity Scouting is now a time-honored program chosen by many chartered organizationsfor youths who are ready for new experiences and responsibilities. Varsity Scouting forms a bond between Scouting principles and the values and objectives of individual charteredorganizations. The Varsity Scout team focuses on five program fields of emphasis, which are: Advancement, HIgh Adventure/Sports, Personal Development, Service, and Special Events.

The values and principles of the Boy Scouts of America are present in Varsity Scouting, including advancement that moves young men along the path to the Eagle Scoutrank. Since the program is designed specifically for young men, it's enhanced with more challenging leadership positions, with emphasis on high adventure, personal development,service, advancement, and special programs and events.

“As a Varsity Scout I, will:
Live by the Scout Oath (Promise), Law, motto, and slogan;
Honor the dignity and worth of all persons;
Promote the cause of freedom; and
Do my best to be a good team member.”