I'm New to Scouting...

Welcome to Scouting!

First off, we would like to say thank you. Thank you for your willingness to try out our great organization and all the fantastic benefits it has to offer your child. Scouting is about character development and having confidence in yourself to Be Prepared! Scouting America (BSA) is the largest youth organization in the U.S. with nearly 3 million youth members and 1.1 million registered adult leaders. These members make up the 122,582 local Scout units. Our program is a family program, one that we hope will become part of your family. Our goal is that you will come to enjoy Scouting just as much as your child. This page is designed to help you become familiar with Scouting and hopefully answer some questions you may have.

Have you Joined a Scouting Unit?

If not, there's a fast and easy website (www.beascout.org) where you can find a Scouting unit close to you! There are programs for boys and girls age 5 through 20.

Getting started as a new parent and leader:

Once you've joined Scouting, there are lots of resources available within your new Scouting group, in your local district, and through the Rip Van Winkle Council (the local Scouting entity, made up of two districts). If you need help finding your local resources, please give us a call a 845-339-0846.