Training Basics

What is a Trained Leader
A trained leader is an adult Scouter who cares enough sacrifice a bit of their time to become fully knowledgeable on the tools and tricks to help young people learn make good choices by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Every Scout deserves a trained leader!
This page is dedicated to the basic things a leader should do to be trained. These are your first steps. Most of your basic trainings can be completed online; however, check your district calendars to see when these trainings are done in or near your community. These trainings are enhanced by the personal touch of an experience leader trainer and the sharing from other new leaders. The video below will help you navigate the website where you can take online trainings.
My.Scouting New Online Training Portal
Attaching your Membership ID to your Profile.
The online tools provided by the BSA in the MyScouting/My.Scouting systems require that each leader add their member ID to their profile. Upon Registration each leader is issued a unique number to represent them called the Member ID or Person ID.
Youth Protection Training is Required Biannually
The national youth protection training certificate is valid for two years. This protects children, adult leaders, and the organization by maintaining high vigilance on the important subject and methods of youth protection.
Unit Leaders: Unit renewals are effective January 1st each year. In preparation for renewal or registering as a new adult, adult unit leaders need to demonstrate completion of age-appropriate youth protection training within the previous calendar year as follows:
Standard Youth Protection Training (Y01) for pack and troop leaders
Venturing Youth Protection Training (Y02) for crew and ship leaders
Exploring Youth Protection Training (Y03) for post leaders
District Leaders and Merit Badge Counselors: District volunteer renewals are effective July 1st each year. When registering or renewing registration, adults registered within districts (including Merit Badge Counselors) need to demonstrate completion of standard youth protection training (Y01) within the previous period of July 1 to June 30. (ie renewal of 7/1/2016 would need Youth protection completion between 7/1/2015 – 6/30/2016)
We understand that we are asking more of already-busy volunteers, and appreciate your patience as we all work together to provide the safest possible atmosphere for our young members and valued Scouting volunteers.
Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section’s topic. This course must be completed to earn the “Trained” emblem. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.
Venturing Youth Protection Training
This course is required for Venturing leaders who have direct contact with youth. This training will help leaders understand and guide youth through possible problems as it relates to abuse. You will also learn about the issues you may face as a leader to help provide a safer environment for the crew members and to protect yourself from false accusations. This training is available online or on a DVD. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.
This Is Scouting
“This Is Scouting” provides an overview of the Scouting organization, including history, values, programs, Youth Protection, community involvement, and training. The module consists of six video sections, each followed by a brief quiz. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes.
Fast Start Training
Fast Start training is not required to be considered "Basic Trained" However, there exists on a Fast Start Training for each position in Scouting. You will find that material in this training is not duplicated in the "Position Specific Trainings". Each training takes around 30 minutes to complete online.
Log in to My.Scouting to take this course online
Position-Specific Training
Position-Specific training is required to be considered "Trained" in the Boy Scouts of America. Though this training can be completed by Cub Scout Leaders and Troop Committee members online, it is reccomended that leaders search out trainings near their district for an "In-Person" training. The live trainings are led by an experienced leader that not only can directly answer questions, but is well versed on local council resources. Even if you take the online trainings, It is reccomended that you attend an in person training for your position in or near your community. Boy Scout, Venturing and Varsity Leaders must take their trainings at in person trainings.
Log in to My.Scouting to take this course online
Troop, Team, and Venturing Committee Challenge
These trainings are Position-Specific Trainings required for every (Troop, Team, and Venturing) committee member to complete basic training. These online course focuses on the core beliefs, aims, and methods of Scouting. Specifically, it helps each committee member learn and identify his or her role and responsibilities in support of the adult leaders in the unit to provide a quality troop experience for the Scouts. Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes.