Arrow of Light to Scout Transition

WEBELOS and Arrow of Light Scouting prepares boys and girls for the change from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. While they technically still are members of a Cub Pack, WEBELOS and Arrow of Light Scouts become more involved in planning their activities, and performance approval begins to move from parents to unit leaders.
The WEBELOS and AOL experience is a time of transition from Cub Scouts toward crossing the bridge to membership in a Scout Troop. First-year activities are directed toward earning the WEBELOS Badge.
AOL Scouts concentrate on achieving the Arrow of Light. The prestigious Arrow of Light Badge advances with the Scout and is worn on their Scout uniform.
Leaders and parents who understand the transition role of AOL Scouting help boys and girls have a more positive move from Cub Scouting to a Scout-runTroop. WEBELOS and AOLs are encouraged to do more hiking and camping. This often is facilitated by developing a relationship with a Scout troop.
AOL transition involves the Cub Scout Pack, the Scout Troop, the Unit Commissioner, and the District AOL transition Chair. Each plays an important role in helping the Scout to become aware of the exciting experiences of Scouts BSA, to choose the “right Troop” and to be prepared to make the change from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA.