Scout BSA Recruiting

The Scout BSA troop open house allows a troop to swing open its doors and roll out the red carpet to welcome guests. It provides a forum to show off Scouting activities and the troop's accomplishments. It is an effective tool to reach youth who have never tried Scouting. Hosting a troop open house is a five-step process that has been tried and proven in troops throughout the nation. Each of the following five steps is vital to the event's success: 

  1. Present a school rally to fifth- and sixth-graders. 
  2. Mail the parents of interested youth a personal invitation to the troop open house. 
  3. Follow the invitation with a telephone call to the parents. Host the troop open house for youth and their parents. 
  4. Organize a troop or district activity to involve new Scouts right away. Youth join Scouting for the fun and outdoor adventure. 
  5. Parents want them to join for completely different reasons—character building and leadership training.